ATTENTION! the Fukitsuna official start date has been announced; APRIL 22nd 2019

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Aaron Havoc
Aaron Havoc
Tenderfoot LV 0-2
Tenderfoot LV 0-2
Posts : 13
Yen : 4032
Join date : 2016-09-21 Age : 30
Location : ????????

Character Sheet
Character Level: 0
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Heyo, I'm Austin.  Left_bar_bleue1/1000Heyo, I'm Austin.  Empty_bar_bleue  (1/1000)

Heyo, I'm Austin.  Empty Heyo, I'm Austin.

Fri Apr 05, 2019 3:15 am
Message reputation : 100% (1 vote)
As the title states, I'm Austin. So many years ago, I started the sinister Seven with most of the people here. We started with nothing, barely knowing how to type a T 1 post. Here we are, 2019. I never thought I'd see this roleplay come back. I thought it was dead but everyone that wanted it back proved me wrong. So, here we are, another run. Either way, it's good to be back. Good Hunting.
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